Individual Reflection

  1. From your experience, what are the most important parts of the guide your group constructed? What do you know now that you wished you new earlier? What is the best advice or guidance you’ve received?


    From my experience, it was nice to know about the interview process. Because I mostly had the interview with business & consulting firms, it is very helpful for me to know how to prepare, get resources, and tips for the interview with IT companies. As I look at my group’s guidance, I could take some great resources by myself and also great advice from teammates.                                                                                                        Our group’s guide mostly focused on how to be smart and practical in career process as ND CSE students. We tried to come up with the resource those can be used inside the campus, not the outside through extension. Because ND CSE career program is nicely constructed and resources related are mostly here in the campus, the guidance directed in a way that students could use them right after they read it. For example, we listed the sources for getting career tips and resources in ND and who they should discuss and get advice on their paths.                                                                  The best part of the guidance can be seen in negotiation parts. How to negotiate with existing accepted companies and how to be smart on the decisions are what is very important for choosing the career. 

  1.  College traditionally has been viewed as a place of learning, not necessarily job training and yet students are spending more and more time preparing for the job interview process. Should colleges adjust their curriculum to face this reality?

    Because the current students in college take serious about their career, I believe it is important to sustain such program in ND CSE. I do not see it as a cause of college system. Because the tuitions are high and students find the career for their future after the college, I think the program is set up to fulfill students’ needs.

    Famous sociologist, Thorstein Veblen mentioned how U.S. universities are changed into the group type of companies, not just the instititions, where learning is the most important. He also critics on colleges in that they are doing what experts academy and junior colleges should do. I partially agree on his criticisms. Colleges are now getting the exceptional reputation by creating great graduates, getting a higher rank in the country, and others. And these values influence on students to choose to come to this college. I know how sad it is for students to highlights the career than the learning in college life. However, the society’s created system already has the great impact for students to be unavoidable.

    Obviously, there are still many students who has the academic as the first priority. Therefore, it is important for the college to support this type of students, so that the real nature of college can be sustained. For college or ND CSE, career programs should be only the extracurricular. The institutions should attempt to provide support in the career for students who take seriously about academics first.Similar to what Veblen explains, the college should not build the great future workers, but people who are passionate in learning. Although I hope for ND CSE to sustain the career program, I do not mean for the college to take a career as the first priority. Because the institution has the responsibility to fulfill students’ needs and curiosity in every field of learning, and because the students in current society has the curiosity in their paths, I believe supporting in career is also part of the responsibility that college should work on. 

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